规格 |
联系传真 :022-60585532
联系人 :李经理
-Black microplates have low background fluorescence and minimize light scattering
-Designed to reduce well-to-well crosstalk
-High binding surface is capable of binding medium (>10kD) and large biomolecules that possess ionic groups and/or hydrophobic regions
-Binding capacity is approximately 400 to 500ng IgG/cm²
-Ideal for immunoassays
-Without lids, lids supplied separately
-Total volume is 360 µL; recommended working volume of 75 to 200 µL
-Conforms to standard microplate footprint and dimensions
商品承诺 | 供应商品质保证,所售商品均提供质量保证。 |
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售后联系 | 商品售后请联系供应商客服。 |
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下单说明 | 商品如有多个不同选择(比如不同尺码、颜色选择),请在下单的时候选择对应规格,如果有特殊需求,请在订单备注中说明并请一定联系供应商客服。 |
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