北京希凯创新科技有限公司于2005年在北京成立,现有员工36名。公司从创立之日起即致力于向制药企业、研究机构和学校提供高品质的生化试剂产品,是美国ANGUS、德国SERVA、瑞士Biosynth、澳大利亚Bovogen、法国Solabia 、美国Hampton Research、Expression Systems、MiTeGen英国BBI Solutions、Molecular Dimensions的中国区代理,德国Merck-Millipore、德国Seramun、美国Southern Biotech
联系传真 :010-62168941
联系人 :刘涛
The Vial Clamp - Curved is a chrome plated, hemostat style tool. It has a tip shaped to hold the storage vial of all the CrystalCap Systems at an angle when the clamp is closed. The clamp can be locked using the hemostat style closure. The end of the clamp, where the vial is held, is curved at either a 45°/135° or 110°/ 70° angle. When the vial is placed in the clamp, the length of it is positioned to the clamp at either of those same angles. The overall length of each clamp is the same, 195 mm.
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陈** | 2021-07-06 09:57:07 | |
商品选择:默认款式 | 商品金额:¥1530 | 购买数量:2 |
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